Dear Diary,
On Friday, I went to worked with my father in Koh Yao Noi. e owns Mountain Skills Rock Climbing School and instructs mostly westerners. That morning he had a large group and was down a guide so he asked my sister an I to come along and help out and entertain the bunch. I do not much like this sport nor the tourists often involved but my father was in a desperate crunch.
While my sister and I grabbed enough gear for all of the customers, my father went over the waiver and collected the money. From the back room of the shop, I could here the voices of what would turn out to be American football players as thy paid their girls from the previous night and said their good-byes. I knew this trip would be a disaster, but before I could protest to my father, he entered the gear room and appologized for the rude men. He knew I had no patience for this type, but always encouraged me to hang around the shop to meet his rich customers.
We drove to the base of the climb in a large blue van with a stenciled logo which I helped paint a few years ago. In the van, I sat next to one of the huge disgusting men, who appeared to be the leader of his group. He wore gold rings and large gold necklaces with a giant medallion on one. His wrist was covered in bracelets of diamond. His fat belly was pouring over onto my tiny frame as sweat from his many crevices began to soak through his tee shirt which had the logo of a bears head.
I looked toward my sister, who was sitting on his other side, with a grimace of disgust and she gave me a dirty look and rolled her eyes. The tow of them were chatting and seemed to have hit it off. My sister has always been a ushover for men wit money. They were already making plans to visit the clubs that night. I was horrified and even more so that my father supported her hopes of marrying a rich man regardless.
When we arrived at Railay Beach, I must wanted to get through the day. I grabbed what gear I could and headed over to the wall. My father began his safety speech as I unraveled the climbing ropes. Soon after, I belayed my father has he demonstrated the climbing asect. As he quickly scaled the wall, I explained how the belay mechanism worked and how to control the weight of a fellow climber. Mean while, my sister and her new disgusting friend paid no attention and flirted obnoxiously.
After we all climbed to the top, we walked the cliff band for about a half mile where wer would do an open -air repel, abseiling nearly two hundred feet to the ground below. I went first showing the technique and stressing again not to let go of the rope in the right hand. Everyone had rapped, I now waited for only my sister and her new friend as they eyed each other suggestively. Finally he had approached the edge, he started and before i knew, I heard my sister scream. I watched him let off his brake arm and grab the ropes above his head, exactly what my father and I told him not to do. Suddenly he gathered speed and started to fall very fast. The man fell to his death. The rope was covered in blood.
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