What is a Book?
In the best light of that questions response I think of my favorite books instantly. I think of some of my favorite authors which took me on long highways and endless road trips, through valleys and jungles, across boarders and around the world. Physically a book should have a cover, without a cover of some sort for protection. It should have a title, a title is definitely an important factor. And philosophically... not gonna go there. Ok fine, books perhaps are the most important vehicle for communication to large numbers of readers, communities, cultures, and yes probably even the the Human Species as we known it today. Books have the power to change the w
ay people perceive reality. (What the Bleep?Link coming soon ). They give people hope, comfort loneliness and educate. As time goes
on perhaps the protective covers will be these computer screens and the icon of a book cover. I can't imagine what I would do had I not the opportunity to trade and share with friends and search for in used book stores and hostels and Internet cafe's. And of course we have text books, they guide the reader on a different kind of pathway leading often to very rewarding experiences and perceptions as well. Love Books!

What is a Child?
The first child that comes to mind throws these factors into the equation: age, inexperience, ignorance, innocence, and irresponsibility. I think they are generally nerve racking and spoiled. But they are of the few who have the innate ability to learn and think critically with generally very low levels of stress. This allows for great adventures into every new situation. I can only imagine the amount of learning which occurs at that Child to Young Adult role where the learning curve is sure to drop off as we become fixed into the world as we see it and believe it. Ps. The"child" in this photo ate this entire half-gallon of ice cream. Oh the things children will do for a dare(not by me of course).
What is Nature?
Nature is natural. Nature interests me the most because it is so interesting. I think of wilderness areas and wild animals, I think of the river trips this summer, I don't really think of humans at all. But realize that this term is losing it's meaning in some cultures as a result of human nature to destroy it. It is human nature to learn and love and educate. Changing the word nature to benefit and natural to beneficial seems appropriate if we ever go dropping words from the language. Nature is wild it is out of control and free to do what it can. Not even love will tame this beast.
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